Friday, October 30, 2015

Let Me Introduce Myself

Hey peoples!

So here is my best shot at starting a blog. My name is Lika, and I'm 14 years old. That's all the information you need at this point. Welcome to my life through this blog. Today I give you this post, my first and hopefully not last. *failed attempt at a joke #1* If you're willing to read about and be apart of my complicated yet adventurous life then continue on!

All of my friends here in Germany would know that we're in our last week of Fall Break, known as 'Herbstferien' here, and for those of you who don't, here in Germany we have a 2 week vacation sometime in October each year. Anyway, do you ever want to do something, but then never find time. Then once you have time you come up with an excuse not to do whatever it is you want to do? Yeah, well it turns out I'm pretty good at that! I've been so bored lately though, and I've gotten almost nothing done during this mini vacation, so ta-da I've finally decided to take action on this blog!!

Those of you who know me in real life know that my life has been a complicated mess since we moved here this summer, all of which leading to the decision to move back to America. We booked tickets two or three days ago, so now it's official. Only 16 more days left in Germany *cries*. Now that we're going back to the good old 'Murica, I want to stay here, which is the complete opposite of how I felt this summer as we were getting ready to leave the UAE. I've definitely made some great friends here already and I hate having to leave them. (shout out to you peeps if you're reading this! (and I hope I'll stay in contact with you all.)) Aside from all the awesome people I've met, leaving the nature and weather here will be ~almost~ equally as hard. It's already snowed here! It hasn't been miserably cold (just about 70 degrees cooler than I'm used to), nor has it been humid or uncomfortably warm, which is great.

//When it snows in October//

Okayz, well that's all for this post. I know it's short, and I'll try to make the others longer *has to get a life now*. I'll try to post at least twice a week, and I encourage y'all to stay a part of my life!!

Questions you may ask:

Where do you live? Germany
Where are you from? America
Age? 14