Saturday, March 26, 2016

Happy Easter!!

Hey everyone!

Sky is better than my life. jk. sorta.

March 18, 2016

Finding time to write has been difficult so here I am in Spanish, writing. We're watching The Incredibles, in Spanish but with English subtitles. We may be watching it because spring break's tomorrow, or just because we finished everything we had to do for the week. They're basically the same thing either way.

Once this day is over we have ten days of break! And two months from tomorrow we're out of school for the year! Somehow this year has flown by very quickly. Much to my liking and disliking at the same time. This second half of the year in America has been great; way better than I expected. It was quite interesting watching people struggle with recognizing me but having no idea who I was. Watching their reactions as I told them where I've lived was also up there in the amount of amusement I got. But not in a bad way, I promise.

It's finally getting warmer which is great, but that also means teachers go crazy with the AC’s. It is supposed to snow in a couple of days though. As much as it may make me sound crazy, I definitely miss the desert heat. When you’re forced to have basketball practice outside in up to 120 degree weather, without air conditioning of course, you quickly get used to the heat and it becomes normal. 

Anyway, like I’ve said, spring break starts tomorrow. I’m really looking forward to it. We have a week of school off, plus the weekends. I feel like that’s a perfect amount of time. Two weeks feel like too long, but this one week is definitely needed. For the past two or three years when the schools I’ve gone to have given two weeks off, by the second week you’re already bored and ready to go back to just finish off the year and get it over with. Therefore, I’m really looking forward to this 10 day break and plan to make the most of it.

March 26, 2016

It’s Easter! Happy Easter everyone!!

I’m going to Chicago today for getting together for Easter with my family on my dad’s side. We go for almost every holiday and birthday, but I still get excited every time we go.

At Walmart today we ran into and talked for a little bit to one of my old swim coaches. It was great running into her after 5 years or so.

I’ve been wanting to start swimming again ever since we moved back to my ‘hometown’ (in November), probably because it was here that I started. That’s another thing that I hate about moving; sticking to one sport isn’t easy because you never know what will be offered where you move to. Swimming is the one sport I’ve done in almost every city, so I definitely plan to keep that up. Last year after my knee surgery I fell behind and gained time so I got discouraged from getting back into it. Being back in this city though, always driving past where I swam, has made me realize how much the sport has taught me and made me realize how many great memories I have from it.  

Also, it’s getting to a point in the year where I know everything will start to go by very fast and I start to get extremely sad about it. It’s around this point in the year where I want everything to slow down so that the end doesn’t come rushing up on us. School getting out early this year isn’t helping that fact.

Nights by the river <3
I had two sleepovers back to back a few nights ago, and they were both a blast. The following day, after getting 7 hours of sleep total for the two previous nights wasn’t. Friends really are amazing, and the time you know someone really doesn’t matter. Then again, I met these people 5 years ago and re-meeting is just as awesome.

During one of the little games, one of the truth questions I had to answer was 'What has been the thing you regret the most, or what you regret not doing the most?'. After thinking about that, my answer would be that I regret not talking to & not getting to know everyone I could have. One of the things I've learned from people I look up to is that you never know who you'll end up befriending so why not give everyone a chance.

I forgot to post the part I wrote on the 18th separately, so I posted it today along with today’s. Have a great Easter Day (or whatever day it is as you're reading this)! // Lika, xoxo.

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