Saturday, March 12, 2016

The 2016 Life

I'm so sorry about not posting for well over two months. If you didn't notice, pretend nothing was said, but I know most of y'all did. I feel like I've disappointed over 100 people. It's amazing to know that many people are interested in my boring life enough to actually read about it. That’s so amazing.

I can't believe we're already in March though. Like seriously how?!?

It's great to be back in an American school. I do prefer the German schools better though and miss it there a lot. Especially the school timings. The time that we get out on half days here is around the time you get out on a regular school day in Germany in case you were curious. Schools over there also start later than here; 15 minutes. It may not seem like huge difference but trust me it is.

Dukes had a great season though!
It's amazing how far into 2016 we are. Valentine's Day, Mardi Gras, Presidents' Day, and much much more has already passed. Yet I still spend my time watching Netflix while doing homework. And sleeping. And going to the occasional Pep Band. Well, Pep Band is over now that the basketball season is. That makes me extremely sad because I started loving having Pep Band once or twice a week. (Side Note: That's one thing I like better here. There's a lot more school spirit.)

Over half of Term 2 (semester, whatever you chose to call it) is over. There's roughly 10 more weeks of school left as we get out on May 20th this year. The weather has been great so far and I'm hoping that'll continue because snow days will just push back that beautiful date summer break starts. I also just got over being very sick, during which I just wanted to sleep for a week straight to the point where I didn't even feel like talking to my friends. That also meant my grades were rapidly dropping but thankfully I'm all caught up now and my grades are almost back at where I'm happy with them. Other than that school has been easy and fun so far!

I still have a lot more to say but that's all for now because it's getting late and it would be smart to get to bed. Oh and to you people who go to DHS and have classes with me, talk to me! I mean most of you already do, but it makes my day 10x better. Ask me anything. Talk about anything. Sometimes the random-nest topics can be the best. I seriously love to talk to y'all so just do that :) 

Have a great week! // Lika xo

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