Thursday, December 31, 2015

Merry Christmas and Happy New Year's!!!

Hey Everyone!!

Merry Christmas! Happy Holidays! Frohe Weihnachten!

I hope your Christmas Day and even this past week were filled with peace, joy, and happiness!

If you think I got my days mixed up, don't worry, I didn't. I do realize it's a few days after Christmas (theoretically a year), but I also think it's worth saying it either way.

I didn't think it made sense to make a separate post just for wishing everyone the best. I probably should've, but oh well. This will be my Christmas and end-of-the-year post. I'll make this post into a mini New Years Tag to sum up 2015 because there's nothing else to write about. 

The Mini Tag!

1. One word to sum up 2015?

Eventful. Very eventful. Also stressful. But amazing too. One of my favorite years so far.

2. What was one thing you learned this year?

Throughout the many adventures I've had this year, I've learned a lot. As I said above it was very eventful, and new experiences mean more knowledge. I'd have to say there are two main things I've learned this year. One is more of a quote but they're both great. The first is that you should never take anything for granted. Anything can happen at any point and you'll never know until it does. Anyway, be thankful for what you have and embrace even the small things in your life. The second one is that old habits die hard. I truly believe habits can be broken, but it will never be easy.

3. Any New Year's Resolutions?

I don't like them that much. And if I ever do get asked if I have any and decide to take part in making some, I try to think of something on the spot. I think many people set unrealistic goals that aren't likely to happen. I feel like some people's are more wishes, rather than something they could easily change in their everyday life.

With that said, I don't have a New Year's Resolution, but I'm perfectly fine with that. There's nothing I feel the need to change in myself. 

Well here's to 2016! I love you all! I hope 2015 was great to you, and that 2016 will be an epic year for you!! 

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