Thursday, December 31, 2015

Merry Christmas and Happy New Year's!!!

Hey Everyone!!

Merry Christmas! Happy Holidays! Frohe Weihnachten!

I hope your Christmas Day and even this past week were filled with peace, joy, and happiness!

If you think I got my days mixed up, don't worry, I didn't. I do realize it's a few days after Christmas (theoretically a year), but I also think it's worth saying it either way.

I didn't think it made sense to make a separate post just for wishing everyone the best. I probably should've, but oh well. This will be my Christmas and end-of-the-year post. I'll make this post into a mini New Years Tag to sum up 2015 because there's nothing else to write about. 

The Mini Tag!

1. One word to sum up 2015?

Eventful. Very eventful. Also stressful. But amazing too. One of my favorite years so far.

2. What was one thing you learned this year?

Throughout the many adventures I've had this year, I've learned a lot. As I said above it was very eventful, and new experiences mean more knowledge. I'd have to say there are two main things I've learned this year. One is more of a quote but they're both great. The first is that you should never take anything for granted. Anything can happen at any point and you'll never know until it does. Anyway, be thankful for what you have and embrace even the small things in your life. The second one is that old habits die hard. I truly believe habits can be broken, but it will never be easy.

3. Any New Year's Resolutions?

I don't like them that much. And if I ever do get asked if I have any and decide to take part in making some, I try to think of something on the spot. I think many people set unrealistic goals that aren't likely to happen. I feel like some people's are more wishes, rather than something they could easily change in their everyday life.

With that said, I don't have a New Year's Resolution, but I'm perfectly fine with that. There's nothing I feel the need to change in myself. 

Well here's to 2016! I love you all! I hope 2015 was great to you, and that 2016 will be an epic year for you!! 

Sunday, December 20, 2015

Cupcake Fun, almost Christmas, and Star Wars!

Hey everyone! 

I hope you all are having a great time getting ready for the holidays and enjoying break if you're already on it!  

A few nights ago I felt like baking. So that’s what happened. Honestly, spending an evening baking and listening to your favorite album is awesome. I spent that night making cupcakes with my sister and jamming out to the Sounds Good Feels Good album, which I'm in love with right now.

They're all so beautiful *tears* 

I’m decently proud with how the final product turned out. It's not the best thing I've done, but it wasn't a complete fail. As you can probably tell, it looks a bit like spaghetti. This is where I get 100 times weirder, I know. 

We just used a cake mix for the base, then vanilla frosting made to look like pasta, the 'tomato sauce' is strawberry jam, the 'meatballs' are chocolate balls, and the 'Parmesan cheese' is grated white chocolate. There's no fancy recipe that I have; I was just extremely bored and wanted to have fun. I do wish that there was another option other than the jam though, because that just ruined it all for me. If any of you think of something 
you could substitute for the jam, let me know!

Like I said in my last post, I wanted to make a post dedicated to it being the end of 2015! Well. Mainly my life throughout 2015. But anyway, It won't be in this one, but It definitely will still be this year. *nooo, really!?*. One of my friends did an Autumn Tag a few months back, and I thought that was pretty cool. I had always looked at those kind of tags as being for YouTube videos, but she did a great job making it into part of her blog, so I might try doing the same. Are there even end-of-the-year-tags? If not, I'll find find a way to make my own, because I'm just that great. (Just Kidding. We all know I'm kidding. (about being that great. I'm very serious about the Tag part.)). So yeah, that will be by the end of this year.

This week, Star Wars: The Force Awakens was released. Personally, I was never a big fan of Star Wars. It was just never a big deal to me. This year though, I became close friends with four or five Star Wars lovers, so even though I wouldn't pick it as my favorite film, I do enjoy watching it with friends. Honestly, I don't know why I just said all that. I think I had a good reason and was going to say something else about it, but I'm just so forgetful. Or maybe I just wanted to make it clear I knew it was released. If that's the case, then yes world, I do know. For all of you that did go out and see it, I hope you had a great time!

Well It's already very late. It's going on 1am, and considering I got woken up very early this morning from my dog barking at a neighbor ringing our doorbell, I'm tired. Very tired. I should get to bed.

Oh, one last thing. For all of you who don't know, Connor Franta is one of my favorite YouTubers. He's been working on a project for about a year now, and he’s finally finished it! The website is here. It's a lifestyle brand and I absolutely love it! Plus it's a beautiful website. So it's just all perfect. For all my coffee lovers out there, the coffee part will be coming in January, which is like a huge bonus right there. You guys should really check it out!! 

Okay, well that's it for now.  I'm so thankful to be able to have this blog, and share my life with you all! I thank you guys (and the WiFi of course) for that. I can't wait to write again! 

Where am I from? America
Where do I live? America
Age? 14

Sunday, December 13, 2015

Christmas, Then 2016!!

Hey Everyone!!

I hope you all are having a great December so far!

I'm so sorry about not posting for well over a week. I've been so busy that there's just been no time to sit down and write. Well, there has occasionally been 10 minutes here and there, but I never used that time. I probably should've. Anyway, I think I'm going to stop posting on both Tuesday's and Friday's. I'll probably do it just Friday's from now on, or maybe just post whenever I can. It'll be at least once a week though - I promise -, possibly twice, just without specific days.

I can't believe we're already in the middle of December! Christmas is almost here! We're less than 20 days away from 2016, and that's unbelievable! Where did time go?! So many eventful things have happened to me this year, in addition to the people around me. It's amazing what a year can do. To be honest now I want to make a post by the end of this year about all the noteworthy things that have happened throughout 2015.

Although I do have to say it’s fun taking a trip down memory lane sometimes, especially with all the good things that happen each year, that’s enough of that deep end-of-the-year stuff (for now).

I may start watching Friends, mainly because one of my friends has been urging me to. Plus now I have to wait for a new episode for Pretty Little Liars, The Fosters, and The Walking Dead. Those are my three shows at the moment. All you TWD fans, can we just take a moment to acknowledge how dramatic the season finale was?! Even though it ended with a cliffhanger, I really enjoyed the episode and the amount of action in it. So I'm not that disappointed. 

Oh, look at these emoji pillows!! 

Aren't they awesome?!?!

Well that’ll be it for this post because I’m almost home; we’re driving back home from Chicago, we went malling, new word! Malling: V. Mall-ing. To go to a mall; to shop at a mall. *wow, so creative*. Now that we’ve all learned a new word, let’s get on with our lives, and do something maybe a little more productive instead of learning words that you’ll never use. I think. I get sidetracked so easily, sorry about that. Anyway, even though I barely have time to write these posts, I really do love it and look forward to being able to sit down and just do this. So until I write again, stay awesome and enjoy the last little bit of 2015!!

Questions you may ask:

Where do you live? America
Where are you from? America
Age? 14

Tuesday, December 1, 2015

Happy (late) Thanksgiving!!

Hey everyone!!

This has been another chaotic week. Well first of all, Happy Thanksgiving!! Yes, I know it was already a few days ago, and yes I realize this post is late. Well no this one is on time but I have skipped the last two posts. Wow, this week has flown by.

I'm falling asleep writing this, but I'll try my best to make it the best I can. We're driving home right now, back to our house in Illinois. Last Tuesday we left for my mom’s family in Ohio to make sure we were there on Thursday for Thanksgiving. Since that trip I've been up all day every day always busy doing something, plus barely been getting any sleep at night. Any chance I got to relax I cherished to the maximum.

We left Tuesday at 11 (Central Time) and got to my grandparent's house at around 10 (Eastern Time) so that ended up being a 10 hour trip. I didn't get WiFi until way later that night, and I didn't have anytime to write and upload anything that morning at my house before we left, so that's why I never did that post. Then on Wednesday a few of my cousins came over from 8am until 6pm, so that took up the majority of the day. After they left we ate dinner and finished cleaning up the house for the next day's gathering. Just as I thought I was going to be done for the night, it was announced that we were going to Kohls. That turned out to be a fun trip. I got some beautiful earrings and a dress! Thursday, Thanksgiving, we did some last minute food preparations and at 12 one of the family's came. The rest all got there and we had a blast. At around 6 I was already wanting to sleep, and by 10 I was thankful for everyone going home so that I could finally sit down.

Lake Erie!!
Friday was even busier. All the women in the family went to Panera Bread, a tradition, for brunch. I got an amazing cinnamon roll with a frappe! We spent a decent amount of time there, and then we left for my grandparents house. We took 3 of my cousins with us and at the house one of the families was still there, and they have 3 boys, so that was fun. This time (this Thanksgiving) I was the oldest out of 15 grandchildren and that was awesome, but at the same time the adults expect you to be in charge. With 11 kids from the ages of 3 to 12 that can get a little out of control. Anyway, that morning there were 8 of us, including 3 boys from the ages of 5-10 and a toddler. All of us were upstairs bouncing off the walls having a great time. Around 2 hours later the family with the boys left and it was just us 5 girls so things calmed down quite a bit. We continued to mess around, do gymnastics and cheerleading, run around the yard, all that good stuff. That evening we went to bath and body works since it was black friday, then to Walmart, and then to my cousins house for them to get some things since they were sleeping over. We stayed up until around 3am laughing our heads off doing all kinds of stuff. By the way, 30 balloons with glow sticks inside of them at night looks really cool.

Saturday and Sunday things were a little more peaceful. Saturday wasn't too eventful, we just did fun stuff at home and I Skyped with my best friend while my cousins were over. That was fun and pretty loud. Sunday my aunt and uncle who we hadn't seen this trip around yet came to talk for a bit. Three of my cousins also came one last time to say goodbye. Towards the evening another family came to visit for a bit because even though we saw them on Thanksgiving there wasn't a lot of time to catch up with them. After they left, my grandma taught my sister and myself how to make homemade chocolate and that was awesome!

All that has brought us to today; Monday. I'm writing this today so that tomorrow I'll be able to have something posted for sure!

Well that's been my week, and by all means I'm not complaining at all; I had a great time and wouldn't trade this past week and the time spent with family for anything. Well for most things. Anyway, I hope you didn't get bored with this whole post being only about what I've done this past week. I tried not to write too much about it, but I pretty much failed that. I just realized it's already December. Wow! *randomness at its finest*. I'll try to make Friday's post a little more exciting for you all, but until then, have a great time peeps!!

Questions you may ask:

Where do you live? America

Where are you from? America

Age? 14