Sunday, December 20, 2015

Cupcake Fun, almost Christmas, and Star Wars!

Hey everyone! 

I hope you all are having a great time getting ready for the holidays and enjoying break if you're already on it!  

A few nights ago I felt like baking. So that’s what happened. Honestly, spending an evening baking and listening to your favorite album is awesome. I spent that night making cupcakes with my sister and jamming out to the Sounds Good Feels Good album, which I'm in love with right now.

They're all so beautiful *tears* 

I’m decently proud with how the final product turned out. It's not the best thing I've done, but it wasn't a complete fail. As you can probably tell, it looks a bit like spaghetti. This is where I get 100 times weirder, I know. 

We just used a cake mix for the base, then vanilla frosting made to look like pasta, the 'tomato sauce' is strawberry jam, the 'meatballs' are chocolate balls, and the 'Parmesan cheese' is grated white chocolate. There's no fancy recipe that I have; I was just extremely bored and wanted to have fun. I do wish that there was another option other than the jam though, because that just ruined it all for me. If any of you think of something 
you could substitute for the jam, let me know!

Like I said in my last post, I wanted to make a post dedicated to it being the end of 2015! Well. Mainly my life throughout 2015. But anyway, It won't be in this one, but It definitely will still be this year. *nooo, really!?*. One of my friends did an Autumn Tag a few months back, and I thought that was pretty cool. I had always looked at those kind of tags as being for YouTube videos, but she did a great job making it into part of her blog, so I might try doing the same. Are there even end-of-the-year-tags? If not, I'll find find a way to make my own, because I'm just that great. (Just Kidding. We all know I'm kidding. (about being that great. I'm very serious about the Tag part.)). So yeah, that will be by the end of this year.

This week, Star Wars: The Force Awakens was released. Personally, I was never a big fan of Star Wars. It was just never a big deal to me. This year though, I became close friends with four or five Star Wars lovers, so even though I wouldn't pick it as my favorite film, I do enjoy watching it with friends. Honestly, I don't know why I just said all that. I think I had a good reason and was going to say something else about it, but I'm just so forgetful. Or maybe I just wanted to make it clear I knew it was released. If that's the case, then yes world, I do know. For all of you that did go out and see it, I hope you had a great time!

Well It's already very late. It's going on 1am, and considering I got woken up very early this morning from my dog barking at a neighbor ringing our doorbell, I'm tired. Very tired. I should get to bed.

Oh, one last thing. For all of you who don't know, Connor Franta is one of my favorite YouTubers. He's been working on a project for about a year now, and he’s finally finished it! The website is here. It's a lifestyle brand and I absolutely love it! Plus it's a beautiful website. So it's just all perfect. For all my coffee lovers out there, the coffee part will be coming in January, which is like a huge bonus right there. You guys should really check it out!! 

Okay, well that's it for now.  I'm so thankful to be able to have this blog, and share my life with you all! I thank you guys (and the WiFi of course) for that. I can't wait to write again! 

Where am I from? America
Where do I live? America
Age? 14

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