Tuesday, December 1, 2015

Happy (late) Thanksgiving!!

Hey everyone!!

This has been another chaotic week. Well first of all, Happy Thanksgiving!! Yes, I know it was already a few days ago, and yes I realize this post is late. Well no this one is on time but I have skipped the last two posts. Wow, this week has flown by.

I'm falling asleep writing this, but I'll try my best to make it the best I can. We're driving home right now, back to our house in Illinois. Last Tuesday we left for my mom’s family in Ohio to make sure we were there on Thursday for Thanksgiving. Since that trip I've been up all day every day always busy doing something, plus barely been getting any sleep at night. Any chance I got to relax I cherished to the maximum.

We left Tuesday at 11 (Central Time) and got to my grandparent's house at around 10 (Eastern Time) so that ended up being a 10 hour trip. I didn't get WiFi until way later that night, and I didn't have anytime to write and upload anything that morning at my house before we left, so that's why I never did that post. Then on Wednesday a few of my cousins came over from 8am until 6pm, so that took up the majority of the day. After they left we ate dinner and finished cleaning up the house for the next day's gathering. Just as I thought I was going to be done for the night, it was announced that we were going to Kohls. That turned out to be a fun trip. I got some beautiful earrings and a dress! Thursday, Thanksgiving, we did some last minute food preparations and at 12 one of the family's came. The rest all got there and we had a blast. At around 6 I was already wanting to sleep, and by 10 I was thankful for everyone going home so that I could finally sit down.

Lake Erie!!
Friday was even busier. All the women in the family went to Panera Bread, a tradition, for brunch. I got an amazing cinnamon roll with a frappe! We spent a decent amount of time there, and then we left for my grandparents house. We took 3 of my cousins with us and at the house one of the families was still there, and they have 3 boys, so that was fun. This time (this Thanksgiving) I was the oldest out of 15 grandchildren and that was awesome, but at the same time the adults expect you to be in charge. With 11 kids from the ages of 3 to 12 that can get a little out of control. Anyway, that morning there were 8 of us, including 3 boys from the ages of 5-10 and a toddler. All of us were upstairs bouncing off the walls having a great time. Around 2 hours later the family with the boys left and it was just us 5 girls so things calmed down quite a bit. We continued to mess around, do gymnastics and cheerleading, run around the yard, all that good stuff. That evening we went to bath and body works since it was black friday, then to Walmart, and then to my cousins house for them to get some things since they were sleeping over. We stayed up until around 3am laughing our heads off doing all kinds of stuff. By the way, 30 balloons with glow sticks inside of them at night looks really cool.

Saturday and Sunday things were a little more peaceful. Saturday wasn't too eventful, we just did fun stuff at home and I Skyped with my best friend while my cousins were over. That was fun and pretty loud. Sunday my aunt and uncle who we hadn't seen this trip around yet came to talk for a bit. Three of my cousins also came one last time to say goodbye. Towards the evening another family came to visit for a bit because even though we saw them on Thanksgiving there wasn't a lot of time to catch up with them. After they left, my grandma taught my sister and myself how to make homemade chocolate and that was awesome!

All that has brought us to today; Monday. I'm writing this today so that tomorrow I'll be able to have something posted for sure!

Well that's been my week, and by all means I'm not complaining at all; I had a great time and wouldn't trade this past week and the time spent with family for anything. Well for most things. Anyway, I hope you didn't get bored with this whole post being only about what I've done this past week. I tried not to write too much about it, but I pretty much failed that. I just realized it's already December. Wow! *randomness at its finest*. I'll try to make Friday's post a little more exciting for you all, but until then, have a great time peeps!!

Questions you may ask:

Where do you live? America

Where are you from? America

Age? 14

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