Sunday, December 13, 2015

Christmas, Then 2016!!

Hey Everyone!!

I hope you all are having a great December so far!

I'm so sorry about not posting for well over a week. I've been so busy that there's just been no time to sit down and write. Well, there has occasionally been 10 minutes here and there, but I never used that time. I probably should've. Anyway, I think I'm going to stop posting on both Tuesday's and Friday's. I'll probably do it just Friday's from now on, or maybe just post whenever I can. It'll be at least once a week though - I promise -, possibly twice, just without specific days.

I can't believe we're already in the middle of December! Christmas is almost here! We're less than 20 days away from 2016, and that's unbelievable! Where did time go?! So many eventful things have happened to me this year, in addition to the people around me. It's amazing what a year can do. To be honest now I want to make a post by the end of this year about all the noteworthy things that have happened throughout 2015.

Although I do have to say it’s fun taking a trip down memory lane sometimes, especially with all the good things that happen each year, that’s enough of that deep end-of-the-year stuff (for now).

I may start watching Friends, mainly because one of my friends has been urging me to. Plus now I have to wait for a new episode for Pretty Little Liars, The Fosters, and The Walking Dead. Those are my three shows at the moment. All you TWD fans, can we just take a moment to acknowledge how dramatic the season finale was?! Even though it ended with a cliffhanger, I really enjoyed the episode and the amount of action in it. So I'm not that disappointed. 

Oh, look at these emoji pillows!! 

Aren't they awesome?!?!

Well that’ll be it for this post because I’m almost home; we’re driving back home from Chicago, we went malling, new word! Malling: V. Mall-ing. To go to a mall; to shop at a mall. *wow, so creative*. Now that we’ve all learned a new word, let’s get on with our lives, and do something maybe a little more productive instead of learning words that you’ll never use. I think. I get sidetracked so easily, sorry about that. Anyway, even though I barely have time to write these posts, I really do love it and look forward to being able to sit down and just do this. So until I write again, stay awesome and enjoy the last little bit of 2015!!

Questions you may ask:

Where do you live? America
Where are you from? America
Age? 14

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