Friday, November 20, 2015

Winter Is Coming!!

Hey Everyone!! 

It's great that I'm back to my normal posting schedule of uploading on Tuesday's and Friday's! This past week was just chaotic and stressful; thankfully that's all over - most of it. 
Walmart!! Target is yet to come :)

Nothing has really happened this week, besides all the shopping we've done and being happy about seeing everything here again. I just got home from one of our many amazing, being back back home, shopping trips. I got this awesome pair of boots!! Theoretically they're Fall boots, and theoretically Fall is almost over, but I still love them.

Today we went to the high-school I'm going to be going to, to talk to the academic guidance counselor about classes. He seems like a pretty cool guy so far, so I'm very glad about that. After we got done talking to him, we started walking back to our car, but as soon as we left the building I ran into 3 of my old classmates from 4th grade. Well we didn't exactly run into them, it was more of a walking-past-each-other-awkwardly situation. I have no idea if they recognized me and knew who I was, but I'm guessing they were like 'wait I know that girl, who is she?!'. Anyway, if any of you three are reading this, hey! 

Starting school there after Thanksgiving will be so strange considering I once knew all the kids in 3rd and 4th grade, but I haven't had contact with more than a few of them since then. Aside with being friends with them on Facebook and following each other on Instagram there's really no contact, so we know each other exists but that's basically it. 

That's enough about school, which I'm dreading, so I'll talk about what I'm looking forward to. First off, it's supposed to snow here tonight! 6 inches minimum is expected. Which is totally fine with me. Since I still have jet-lag and I'm still getting unpacked, I'll probably be spending the day under cozy, soft, and fuzzy blankets *wishing that was right now*. It's already 32 degrees Fahrenheit right now, so its decently cold, but there's no snow so it's not worth it. Winter hasn't even officially started yet, and I'm already missing Autumn very, very much.

One more little exciting thing - next week I'm most likely going to Ohio for Thanksgiving!! I can't wait for that. We have family there, and is been well over 2 years since we saw them. I'm thinking about how much I've changed since then, and wow, it's a lot *cringing*. The trips there are usually around 8 hours, but completely worth the time; there are always great opportunities for taking pictures (don't worry, there are other reasons too).

Anyway, that'll be all for this post because it's 7pm here but feels way later, which makes sense since its 2am in Germany. 

So yeah, I can't wait until I can write to you guys again! Stay awesome :)

Questions you may ask:

Where do you live? America
Where are you from? America
Age? 14

Thursday, November 19, 2015

Road Trips & Finally In America!!

Before you start reading, I'd like to explain a little about how this week was. On Friday we drove to Berlin for our flight on Monday, and I wrote last Friday's blog post on the car driving there, but never got to post it. I was planning to on Saturday, but we were just so busy I decided to post both Friday's, and this Tuesday's posts in one blog post. So they're both included in this post! :) I just got WiFi today, which is why it's being uploaded so late.

Friday Nov. 13, 2015

Hey everyone!!

So I'm in the car driving now. I just realized this might not be uploaded till tomorrow morning (or later), because I don't have my laptop with me. My mom is bringing it tomorrow morning. Oh wait. We're on our way driving to Berlin. I forgot to add that. Our flight is on the16, but we decided to go a few days earlier to be able to go around Berlin again and see the stuff we didn't get to see the other times we've been there. *stuck in traffic now while Rude by Magic! is playing*. But anyway, my mom is coming tomorrow because we still needed to get boxes into our attic, but our (awesome) neighbor could only drive today. Aw okay the song is over. Now the radio dude is talking about weather and roads and detours, in German of course, which I can (proudly) understand. Well yeah that's what's going on now.

We left a little later than we wanted to because after we were all packed (2 suitcases each; 8 in total) we realized that only 1 suitcase per person was allowed and 100 bucks for everyone after that. What kind of bag limit is that?!?

Aside from all the stress with massively decreasing the amount of stuff we're bringing with and everything else, yesterday was a great day! First we went to the schools we went to this year to say bye to the peeps, then my sister and I went to another city for around 2 hours. (This traffic on the highway is so bad, it could easily be compared to rush hour in Chicago ( it's already been 20 mins)). Anyway, we went to the city to say goodbye and to buy a few more things to bring with. Totally worth it. We came home at around 3pm and at 5ish one of my best friends from 1st grade and her family came over! We took the trampoline apart and ordered pizza. Spaghetti pizza is actually pretty cool - at that one specific pizzeria at least. So yesterday was a blast.
// the way to school //

*That picture was taken on the trail in the forest you have to go through to get to the schools.*

Yay! The traffic cleared up, and we're driving at a decent speed again!

This was one of the easiest moves, because we already have our house in America so we don't have to worry about hotels and where we’d stay, and here we have a place to store everything.

We just stopped at Burger King to eat dinner real quick. *real fancy, huh?* I got my typical order of a grilled chicken sandwich with fries and a Diet Coke. Although it was salty and greasy, it tasted great. Probably because I'd barely eaten at all that day with all the packing going on. Either way there are no regrets with having fast food this time.

*2 hours latah* (spongebob voice…)
We're finally at the hotel and everything is upstairs. It's around 2 am. The drive should've taken around 3 hours, but ended up being 5 with first the horrible traffic, then the pouring rain, and of course we had to get lost, because what's a trip without that?!? Anyway that will be it for this post because it’s around 1 in the morning and I really need sleep.  

Tuesday Nov. 17, 2015

Hola amigos! 

America - home - here we come!! I'm on the plane! We're about 1 ½ hours into the 9 hour flight. I tried sleeping but it's too light; the sun is shining through the window. The flight attendants just handed out crackers with cream cheese and drinks. The crackers plain were pretty good. Now I'm watching Hot Pursuit, and since it's a comedy, ~of course~ it's awesome! And definitely hilarious.

Decent airplane food!!
I hope I'll make it through the movie, but I got 3 hours of sleep at the most last night. So I apologize for any grammatical errors - I'm focused on sleep. And only sleep. Well and the movie. And writing this. But mainly sleep.

I finished the movie!! I was planning on going to see it with a few friends when it first came out, but I got sick that weekend and never made it, but I finally finished it 7 or so months later!

Well after the movie I fell asleep for about an hour. I never sleep on planes, and I love getting the window seats because it's all so fascinating!! With all the vacations in the past 2 years when we first moved to the UAE, I've been on exactly 17 planes and not once have I slept during the flights. So this is a first; in two years at least. We're about to land in NY! Then we have an hour and a half layover and we're off to O’hare. I'm actually going to stop writing now to get ready to get off this plane.

Now I can write again! I just noticed how this post is different from the others because here I was writing as everything was happening compared to the others where I write after what I was writing about happened.

Anyway, we're on the highway right now to go to our house. We just left Chicago after spending the night there by my grandpa's. We took a taxi there after going through baggage claim and going on the airport WiFi for 30 minutes. The flights and everything worked out perfectly. There was just enough time in New York to get our baggage, drop it off for the next plane, and get to out terminal gate with 10 minutes to spare before boarding started. The only thing that could be better right now is if our jet-lag could be gone. 

We're almost home now, so this will be it, and I'll post this as soon as I get WiFi! I hope you all are having a great week yourselves!!

Questions you may ask:

Where do you live? Germany 
Where are you from? America
Age? 14

Tuesday, November 10, 2015

Last Week In Germany And Fun With Friends!!


 Look at the sky!!
I'm on my trampoline right now, and it's awesome! So peaceful and cozy. It's just past sunseat nd so it's dark, but not too dark to the point where someone could creep up on you. I love this yard too, like its huge with just the right amount of trees. Plus I'm in a huge hoodie and I have this perfect lemonade drink I found. So everything is literally perfect. At least in this moment.

I finished Hopeless, and I was pretty pleased with the creativity the author had and how everything fit together. I'm thinking about reading the Harry Potter series during this trip, or at least as much as I can get through. I started reading Harry Potter and the Philosopher's Stone in 5th grade, but never continued on. It’s about time now, mainly because almost everyone else my age has read it, and they look at me like I'm crazy when they hear I've watched every single movie about 10 times, but that I haven't read the books. So yeah I plan on doing that during the trip.

Best drink everrrr
It's Tuesday now - everything I've already written (well in this specific post) I did yesterday because I had time, and I'm trying not to waste any time this week. I just got back from shopping for everything to take back. You could call it last minute shopping, although I'm probably going to go very last minute shopping on Thursday, though I doubt then it'll be or candy or food, because we've stocked up on that, and got way way too much (so hey mom and dad if you're reading this, don't worry I'll somehow figure out a way to make it fit!) but for real its enough to hold me over for about a year.  There's only 3 days left till we're out of this apartment, and actually only 2 full days since it's already 9 pm. I've started packing *finally, Lika, finally* and I'm starting to run out of time to do everything. 
We're saying our goodbyes to at least 3 of our good family friends this week. Still 2 families to go. On Sunday a family came over and it was probably the most fun I've had with kids my age other than my sister since we've moved here. It was literally so much fun after the awkwardness of not having seen each other in a year was over. Tomorrow we're going out to eat with some friends, and on Thursday - our last day here - my friend, that I've known since 1st grade, and her family are coming over. I'm very, very, very excited for that.

Oh and I found this picture on Facebook like 10 minutes ago and it's literally 100% legit. For studying, but in this case I was switching 'studying' and 'study' with 'packing' and 'pack'.

Well yeah that's all for this Tuesday's post because I still have a lot to get done tonight, but I hope y'all are having a great week!! :)

Questions you may ask:

Where do you live? Germany
Where are you from? America
Age? 14

Friday, November 6, 2015

Reading Accomplishments & Other Updates :)

Hey there!!

Wow this week has gone by fast, in my opinion at least.

Earlier today I remembered I still had some hair-dye I need to use up, so I decided to re-dye my tips red. That resulted in my arms being stained red. So as I'm typing this, I get to look at my strawberry red skin (random info that i felt was necessary).

Thank you internet person for this pic :)
I started reading Hopeless last night, so I'm only on page 50, but it seems like a great book so far. I've read both better and worse ones. I've actually impressed myself this summer will the amount of books I've read, with a total of 8 since August. It's not that I don't like reading or that I'm a slow reader, I just get bored very, very, very, very, (could continue on but I think you get the point) easily. The only time I can find myself reading for more than 15 minutes is either at night when I'm tired or on a train/driving somewhere and I know I might as well occupy myself with a book instead of just sitting there.

Speaking of train rides, we have exactly one week until we're on our way to Berlin!! *I should really starting packing*. Yesterday I spent a decent amount of the day deleting pictures (trying to at least) on my phone, because I somehow got up to 6,500 pictures alone. So I had 500mb out of the 64gb. That's just not gonna cut it with all the pictures I plan on taking in Berlin.

So yesterday I started making a list of stuff I'd like to get here in Germany - stuff they don't sell in America - before I leave. I'll probably go shopping on Monday, maybe tomorrow, because stores are closed here on Sunday's. It's an inconvenience to the customers, but they do it to respect the workers and to let them have a day to relax each week, if that makes sense. Anyway, before i go shopping I have to start packing to get a rough idea of how much I can buy. I plan on getting to that point tomorrow. Hopefully. 

Well that's all for this post, but have a great weekend peeps!!

Questions you may ask:

Where do you live? Germany 
Where are you from? America
Age? 14

Tuesday, November 3, 2015

Festivals & Packing Struggles

Hey again!

We have reunited! I've decided Friday's and Tuesday's will be my posting days, I'll at least try and stick to that, and that's pretty much spaced out evenly in the week which is good. So today is obviously the Tuesday post. ~Flashback~ back in 6th grade Tuesday's used to be my favorite day of the week because I had after school band which I loved back then. Looking back on that I'm just like ‘Why Lika, why? Why not the weekend like a normal person?’. Anyway. Today is Tuesday indeed.

On Saturday I went on a day trip to another city where a random festival was going on, and I'd have to say that it was the biggest highlight of my week other than chilling, getting nothing done (once again), and texting my awesome friends. Can't go wrong with that while you're on vacation, ya know? Anyway, the festival was fun. My parents wanted to take my sister and I to make up for the fact that we won't be here in Germany for the amazing Christmas Festivals that they have here. We went on a Ferris Wheel and got Crêpes, and with the whole atmosphere it was great!


So Herbstferien (fall break) is over *tears* and there's only 12 days left till we go back to America; meaning I should probably start packing and getting rid of stuff but nooooo! I just did that 4 months ago. I really should start packing though because mentally placing where everything will go in my suitcase isn't cutting it. It should be easy-ish, considering I barely have any belongings, but the stuff I do have weighs a lot. For example Bath and Body Works. That'll probably going to take up more than half of the weight limit allowed, and that's in addition the enormous amount of new clothes I bought this summer here, thinking we were staying for longer than we apparently are. I really am worried about having to leave stuff behind *tears*. On the bright side though, once all the packing and ‘goodbyes’ are over, the only thing that's left is the flight and then ~boom~ we'll get to see all our family, our house, our dog, and be able to go Target again!! I just realized I actually only have 9-10 days left to pack, because we're spending the last 2 nights before we fly in Berlin. Wow why didn't I think of that sooner *smooth Lika, smooth*.

Well once again, I'm so sorry for my life being this boring and uneventful, maybe jusssst maybe it'll get a little more interesting in the next few weeks. ‘Till Friday my awesome peeps!

Oh and one more thing - It's so cool how I can see where all of you live! Like not the exact location or city, but the country. Which I think is awesome. Like hello my fellow internet peeps :))))) I was also thinking about starting to write in both English and German, so that my fellow Germans know what I'm even talking about

If you have Instagram, check out @photo.graphy126 (more pics from the festival too!)

Questions you may ask:

Where do you live? Germany
Where are you from? America
Age? 14