Thursday, November 19, 2015

Road Trips & Finally In America!!

Before you start reading, I'd like to explain a little about how this week was. On Friday we drove to Berlin for our flight on Monday, and I wrote last Friday's blog post on the car driving there, but never got to post it. I was planning to on Saturday, but we were just so busy I decided to post both Friday's, and this Tuesday's posts in one blog post. So they're both included in this post! :) I just got WiFi today, which is why it's being uploaded so late.

Friday Nov. 13, 2015

Hey everyone!!

So I'm in the car driving now. I just realized this might not be uploaded till tomorrow morning (or later), because I don't have my laptop with me. My mom is bringing it tomorrow morning. Oh wait. We're on our way driving to Berlin. I forgot to add that. Our flight is on the16, but we decided to go a few days earlier to be able to go around Berlin again and see the stuff we didn't get to see the other times we've been there. *stuck in traffic now while Rude by Magic! is playing*. But anyway, my mom is coming tomorrow because we still needed to get boxes into our attic, but our (awesome) neighbor could only drive today. Aw okay the song is over. Now the radio dude is talking about weather and roads and detours, in German of course, which I can (proudly) understand. Well yeah that's what's going on now.

We left a little later than we wanted to because after we were all packed (2 suitcases each; 8 in total) we realized that only 1 suitcase per person was allowed and 100 bucks for everyone after that. What kind of bag limit is that?!?

Aside from all the stress with massively decreasing the amount of stuff we're bringing with and everything else, yesterday was a great day! First we went to the schools we went to this year to say bye to the peeps, then my sister and I went to another city for around 2 hours. (This traffic on the highway is so bad, it could easily be compared to rush hour in Chicago ( it's already been 20 mins)). Anyway, we went to the city to say goodbye and to buy a few more things to bring with. Totally worth it. We came home at around 3pm and at 5ish one of my best friends from 1st grade and her family came over! We took the trampoline apart and ordered pizza. Spaghetti pizza is actually pretty cool - at that one specific pizzeria at least. So yesterday was a blast.
// the way to school //

*That picture was taken on the trail in the forest you have to go through to get to the schools.*

Yay! The traffic cleared up, and we're driving at a decent speed again!

This was one of the easiest moves, because we already have our house in America so we don't have to worry about hotels and where we’d stay, and here we have a place to store everything.

We just stopped at Burger King to eat dinner real quick. *real fancy, huh?* I got my typical order of a grilled chicken sandwich with fries and a Diet Coke. Although it was salty and greasy, it tasted great. Probably because I'd barely eaten at all that day with all the packing going on. Either way there are no regrets with having fast food this time.

*2 hours latah* (spongebob voice…)
We're finally at the hotel and everything is upstairs. It's around 2 am. The drive should've taken around 3 hours, but ended up being 5 with first the horrible traffic, then the pouring rain, and of course we had to get lost, because what's a trip without that?!? Anyway that will be it for this post because it’s around 1 in the morning and I really need sleep.  

Tuesday Nov. 17, 2015

Hola amigos! 

America - home - here we come!! I'm on the plane! We're about 1 ½ hours into the 9 hour flight. I tried sleeping but it's too light; the sun is shining through the window. The flight attendants just handed out crackers with cream cheese and drinks. The crackers plain were pretty good. Now I'm watching Hot Pursuit, and since it's a comedy, ~of course~ it's awesome! And definitely hilarious.

Decent airplane food!!
I hope I'll make it through the movie, but I got 3 hours of sleep at the most last night. So I apologize for any grammatical errors - I'm focused on sleep. And only sleep. Well and the movie. And writing this. But mainly sleep.

I finished the movie!! I was planning on going to see it with a few friends when it first came out, but I got sick that weekend and never made it, but I finally finished it 7 or so months later!

Well after the movie I fell asleep for about an hour. I never sleep on planes, and I love getting the window seats because it's all so fascinating!! With all the vacations in the past 2 years when we first moved to the UAE, I've been on exactly 17 planes and not once have I slept during the flights. So this is a first; in two years at least. We're about to land in NY! Then we have an hour and a half layover and we're off to O’hare. I'm actually going to stop writing now to get ready to get off this plane.

Now I can write again! I just noticed how this post is different from the others because here I was writing as everything was happening compared to the others where I write after what I was writing about happened.

Anyway, we're on the highway right now to go to our house. We just left Chicago after spending the night there by my grandpa's. We took a taxi there after going through baggage claim and going on the airport WiFi for 30 minutes. The flights and everything worked out perfectly. There was just enough time in New York to get our baggage, drop it off for the next plane, and get to out terminal gate with 10 minutes to spare before boarding started. The only thing that could be better right now is if our jet-lag could be gone. 

We're almost home now, so this will be it, and I'll post this as soon as I get WiFi! I hope you all are having a great week yourselves!!

Questions you may ask:

Where do you live? Germany 
Where are you from? America
Age? 14

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