Friday, November 20, 2015

Winter Is Coming!!

Hey Everyone!! 

It's great that I'm back to my normal posting schedule of uploading on Tuesday's and Friday's! This past week was just chaotic and stressful; thankfully that's all over - most of it. 
Walmart!! Target is yet to come :)

Nothing has really happened this week, besides all the shopping we've done and being happy about seeing everything here again. I just got home from one of our many amazing, being back back home, shopping trips. I got this awesome pair of boots!! Theoretically they're Fall boots, and theoretically Fall is almost over, but I still love them.

Today we went to the high-school I'm going to be going to, to talk to the academic guidance counselor about classes. He seems like a pretty cool guy so far, so I'm very glad about that. After we got done talking to him, we started walking back to our car, but as soon as we left the building I ran into 3 of my old classmates from 4th grade. Well we didn't exactly run into them, it was more of a walking-past-each-other-awkwardly situation. I have no idea if they recognized me and knew who I was, but I'm guessing they were like 'wait I know that girl, who is she?!'. Anyway, if any of you three are reading this, hey! 

Starting school there after Thanksgiving will be so strange considering I once knew all the kids in 3rd and 4th grade, but I haven't had contact with more than a few of them since then. Aside with being friends with them on Facebook and following each other on Instagram there's really no contact, so we know each other exists but that's basically it. 

That's enough about school, which I'm dreading, so I'll talk about what I'm looking forward to. First off, it's supposed to snow here tonight! 6 inches minimum is expected. Which is totally fine with me. Since I still have jet-lag and I'm still getting unpacked, I'll probably be spending the day under cozy, soft, and fuzzy blankets *wishing that was right now*. It's already 32 degrees Fahrenheit right now, so its decently cold, but there's no snow so it's not worth it. Winter hasn't even officially started yet, and I'm already missing Autumn very, very much.

One more little exciting thing - next week I'm most likely going to Ohio for Thanksgiving!! I can't wait for that. We have family there, and is been well over 2 years since we saw them. I'm thinking about how much I've changed since then, and wow, it's a lot *cringing*. The trips there are usually around 8 hours, but completely worth the time; there are always great opportunities for taking pictures (don't worry, there are other reasons too).

Anyway, that'll be all for this post because it's 7pm here but feels way later, which makes sense since its 2am in Germany. 

So yeah, I can't wait until I can write to you guys again! Stay awesome :)

Questions you may ask:

Where do you live? America
Where are you from? America
Age? 14

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