Tuesday, November 10, 2015

Last Week In Germany And Fun With Friends!!


 Look at the sky!!
I'm on my trampoline right now, and it's awesome! So peaceful and cozy. It's just past sunseat nd so it's dark, but not too dark to the point where someone could creep up on you. I love this yard too, like its huge with just the right amount of trees. Plus I'm in a huge hoodie and I have this perfect lemonade drink I found. So everything is literally perfect. At least in this moment.

I finished Hopeless, and I was pretty pleased with the creativity the author had and how everything fit together. I'm thinking about reading the Harry Potter series during this trip, or at least as much as I can get through. I started reading Harry Potter and the Philosopher's Stone in 5th grade, but never continued on. It’s about time now, mainly because almost everyone else my age has read it, and they look at me like I'm crazy when they hear I've watched every single movie about 10 times, but that I haven't read the books. So yeah I plan on doing that during the trip.

Best drink everrrr
It's Tuesday now - everything I've already written (well in this specific post) I did yesterday because I had time, and I'm trying not to waste any time this week. I just got back from shopping for everything to take back. You could call it last minute shopping, although I'm probably going to go very last minute shopping on Thursday, though I doubt then it'll be or candy or food, because we've stocked up on that, and got way way too much (so hey mom and dad if you're reading this, don't worry I'll somehow figure out a way to make it fit!) but for real its enough to hold me over for about a year.  There's only 3 days left till we're out of this apartment, and actually only 2 full days since it's already 9 pm. I've started packing *finally, Lika, finally* and I'm starting to run out of time to do everything. 
We're saying our goodbyes to at least 3 of our good family friends this week. Still 2 families to go. On Sunday a family came over and it was probably the most fun I've had with kids my age other than my sister since we've moved here. It was literally so much fun after the awkwardness of not having seen each other in a year was over. Tomorrow we're going out to eat with some friends, and on Thursday - our last day here - my friend, that I've known since 1st grade, and her family are coming over. I'm very, very, very excited for that.

Oh and I found this picture on Facebook like 10 minutes ago and it's literally 100% legit. For studying, but in this case I was switching 'studying' and 'study' with 'packing' and 'pack'.

Well yeah that's all for this Tuesday's post because I still have a lot to get done tonight, but I hope y'all are having a great week!! :)

Questions you may ask:

Where do you live? Germany
Where are you from? America
Age? 14

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