Friday, November 6, 2015

Reading Accomplishments & Other Updates :)

Hey there!!

Wow this week has gone by fast, in my opinion at least.

Earlier today I remembered I still had some hair-dye I need to use up, so I decided to re-dye my tips red. That resulted in my arms being stained red. So as I'm typing this, I get to look at my strawberry red skin (random info that i felt was necessary).

Thank you internet person for this pic :)
I started reading Hopeless last night, so I'm only on page 50, but it seems like a great book so far. I've read both better and worse ones. I've actually impressed myself this summer will the amount of books I've read, with a total of 8 since August. It's not that I don't like reading or that I'm a slow reader, I just get bored very, very, very, very, (could continue on but I think you get the point) easily. The only time I can find myself reading for more than 15 minutes is either at night when I'm tired or on a train/driving somewhere and I know I might as well occupy myself with a book instead of just sitting there.

Speaking of train rides, we have exactly one week until we're on our way to Berlin!! *I should really starting packing*. Yesterday I spent a decent amount of the day deleting pictures (trying to at least) on my phone, because I somehow got up to 6,500 pictures alone. So I had 500mb out of the 64gb. That's just not gonna cut it with all the pictures I plan on taking in Berlin.

So yesterday I started making a list of stuff I'd like to get here in Germany - stuff they don't sell in America - before I leave. I'll probably go shopping on Monday, maybe tomorrow, because stores are closed here on Sunday's. It's an inconvenience to the customers, but they do it to respect the workers and to let them have a day to relax each week, if that makes sense. Anyway, before i go shopping I have to start packing to get a rough idea of how much I can buy. I plan on getting to that point tomorrow. Hopefully. 

Well that's all for this post, but have a great weekend peeps!!

Questions you may ask:

Where do you live? Germany 
Where are you from? America
Age? 14

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