Tuesday, November 3, 2015

Festivals & Packing Struggles

Hey again!

We have reunited! I've decided Friday's and Tuesday's will be my posting days, I'll at least try and stick to that, and that's pretty much spaced out evenly in the week which is good. So today is obviously the Tuesday post. ~Flashback~ back in 6th grade Tuesday's used to be my favorite day of the week because I had after school band which I loved back then. Looking back on that I'm just like ‘Why Lika, why? Why not the weekend like a normal person?’. Anyway. Today is Tuesday indeed.

On Saturday I went on a day trip to another city where a random festival was going on, and I'd have to say that it was the biggest highlight of my week other than chilling, getting nothing done (once again), and texting my awesome friends. Can't go wrong with that while you're on vacation, ya know? Anyway, the festival was fun. My parents wanted to take my sister and I to make up for the fact that we won't be here in Germany for the amazing Christmas Festivals that they have here. We went on a Ferris Wheel and got Crêpes, and with the whole atmosphere it was great!


So Herbstferien (fall break) is over *tears* and there's only 12 days left till we go back to America; meaning I should probably start packing and getting rid of stuff but nooooo! I just did that 4 months ago. I really should start packing though because mentally placing where everything will go in my suitcase isn't cutting it. It should be easy-ish, considering I barely have any belongings, but the stuff I do have weighs a lot. For example Bath and Body Works. That'll probably going to take up more than half of the weight limit allowed, and that's in addition the enormous amount of new clothes I bought this summer here, thinking we were staying for longer than we apparently are. I really am worried about having to leave stuff behind *tears*. On the bright side though, once all the packing and ‘goodbyes’ are over, the only thing that's left is the flight and then ~boom~ we'll get to see all our family, our house, our dog, and be able to go Target again!! I just realized I actually only have 9-10 days left to pack, because we're spending the last 2 nights before we fly in Berlin. Wow why didn't I think of that sooner *smooth Lika, smooth*.

Well once again, I'm so sorry for my life being this boring and uneventful, maybe jusssst maybe it'll get a little more interesting in the next few weeks. ‘Till Friday my awesome peeps!

Oh and one more thing - It's so cool how I can see where all of you live! Like not the exact location or city, but the country. Which I think is awesome. Like hello my fellow internet peeps :))))) I was also thinking about starting to write in both English and German, so that my fellow Germans know what I'm even talking about

If you have Instagram, check out @photo.graphy126 (more pics from the festival too!)

Questions you may ask:

Where do you live? Germany
Where are you from? America
Age? 14

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